
‘PillowTalk’ Social Formula 30ml

Original price was: £45.00.Current price is: £39.95.

‘PillowTalk’ High concentration, pheromone perfume for women and men (30ml). Company ‘Aroma Fero Labs’. Made in Europe.

  • Type – Unisex
  • Fragrance – Unscented
  • Base – Alcohol based
  • Application type – Spray

Europe made pheromones

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Here is a link to describe what Pillowalk even is and how I came up with the name – Pillow talk

This Wikipedia description is just perfect for this blend and fits it perfectly, BUT Pillowtalk is so much more! It really is the perfect blend. I wanted a lot more for a social than just the typical icebreaker, I had to have a product that had it all and that anyone could use. I put everything I could into this social because the social to me is one of the most important and key parts to going anywhere with anything, I mean lets face it you could have the best cologne scent, clothes, car, and on and on, BUT the fact is it will literally go no where without a good start and being social and that is where Pillowtalk comes in!

Pillowtalk is a very friendly easy to use social that anyone can use and get results. This blend will be the spark to get things started on the right track whether a business meeting, first date, or just need a little social boot, Pillowtalk will do it!

But now you might be asking what is Pillowtalk and what will it do?

Pillowtalk will be an ice breaker and also will take the conversations in a meaningful direction as well and not just random chatter. This was very important to me to have a balance of feel good/opening and also making the conversations meaningful so they go somewhere to. Then Pillowtalk will get to work right away on making they wearer and everyone exposed drawn in emotionally and make them feel good as well and the wearer will be seen as someone very special. The truth is people remember how you make them feel than the words you speak, so I had to have a blend that focused on this aspect. Pillowtalk will have an imprinting quality that is more social and unique in nature than other blends. Then Pillowtalk will have beautifying qualities that everyone will find visually stimulating as well to where other people will find you more attractive to. While this is not an attraction blend exactly as its main function, it does have secondary attraction qualities about it. Then finally there will come trust and respect and people will hang on to your words and they will carry a lot more weight to them.

All this from a social blend! What is so cool about it really is anyone can use this literally and get results, I mean someone that turned 18 or my grandmother that is 92 and should work fairly equal across all ethnic backgrounds as well or really close. Pillowtalk will take you where ever you decide to go, a balanced and intense blend that is classy, sexy, seductive, and everything one could want in a blend.

This is suggested at 2-3 sprays is all that should be needed, but of course you will have to test to confirm.

The PillowTalk formula was created by Pherotruth member – Justintime469. He is a very experienced pheromone enthusiast. We are very happy that he agreed to share his knowledge and experience with us. PillowTalk is a highly concentrated pheromone product. The main pheromone molecules are – Pregnenolone, Oxytocin, DHEAS, Astaxanthin, Alpha Androstenol, Beta Androstenol and some others. These molecules have been mixed in their proper proportions in order to give maximum results.


Storage – Keep out of direct sunlight.
Expiry date – Count about 2 years since purchase. You always get “fresh product”
Bottle Volume – 30ml
Applications – 550 sprays
Pheromone concentration  per bottle – 17.9mg
Pheromone concentration  per spray – 35.80mcg
Pheromone Duration – 6 to 15 hours
Made in – Aroma Fero Labs Europe
Inspired by – Justintime469

Justintime469 has his own channel on Pherotruth

Additional information

Weight 0.01 kg
Dimensions 0.01 × 0.01 × 0.01 cm


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Aroma Fero