True Alpha – Original Version
Get the ultimate combination of effective pheromones proven to elicit social response and sexual excitement in women. With TRUEAlpha Ultimate Men’s Pheromone oil, we’ve removed all of the filler pheromones that other products contain (usually you see 6,8,10, or 12 different pheromones in a product) and focused on the four most powerful sexual appeal enhancing varieties in the correct combination.
Don’t Be Fooled By Fakes – It’s Not The Of Pheromones, It’s The Combination.
Let’s talk briefly about what TRUE Alpha does…
- Instantly come off as the Alpha Male that women crave and other men respect…
- Assert your dominance, masculinity and power (especially in social situations)…
- Become more approachable and instantly likeable. Create conversations that make women feel like you are already in their social circle…
- Elevate her mood immediately and make her feel comfortable, connected, and communicative without even taking any action
Don’t be fooled by pretenders. These research-based results are only created through proper combination, testing, and precise formulation. Other products may contain MORE pheromones, but these imitators are often packed with substances that create signals which work against each other. TRUEAlpha contains 4 highly potent pheromones that work in unison.
Tap In To The Addictive Sense Of Trust That Women Subconsciously Crave.
You’ll be the most attractive man in the room without changing a single thing about yourself. All you need is TRUEAlpha Ultimate Men’s Pheromone Oil.
This unique combination elicits a specific emotional response, elevating a woman’s mood and making her trust you, feel protected by your presence, and completely open for sexual communication.
Product Description
Contains – 10 ml per bottle/280 drops
Type – pheromone oil
Scent type – unscented
Duration of Effect: 8-10 hours
Pheromone Content
mg per bottle – 13,334 mcg (47.6mcg/drop)
Effective Dose – 47.6-238 mcg
Unique Pheromones – 4
Pheromone Composition
Androstenol, Androsterone, Androstadienone, & Androsterone
recognizer/krh23 –
Good alternative to any work targeted phero e.g. Ascend or API. Builds respect. Make sure you play along so your actions are aligned with signals sent by phero. One to two drops is enough in my opinion.